Thursday, 6 March 2008


There has been a lot of romantic notions attributed to bandits. Robbers such as Dick Turpin and Swift Nick have held the public's imagination as thieves who stole from the establishment.

Yet not many people in this century have ever been held up by highway men and those of us who live in areas plagued by 21st century robbers abroad realise that confrontations like these could be fatal.

A link to Dick Turpins web site can be found at - 19k

It has only been because of improved living conditions in the UK that these robbers have been confined to the past.

Prostitutes have also gained reputations as "Tarts with hearts" yet the reality is that these are people from both sexes used in an industry also associated with modern day slavery. Children are also used to satisfy some paedophile users, and any deaths resulting from this sex trade are less simpathetically dealt with than if victims were not sex workers.

Most robbers and prostitutes also take up these paths due to a lack of money or/and reliance on drugs. Both these problems have to be dealt with before robbery and prostitution are to decrease.

1 comment:

Lisa Bates said...

This lady blogger put in some good points about Prietty Woman not being true to life, and not saying how prostitution really is, cheep sex for £20.
Her link is