Monday, 24 March 2008

To Smoke Or Not To Smoke, That Is The Question.

FOREST director Simon Clark claims that he does not want to be part of a "nanny state" where smokers face the need to defend themselves against bullying from the state. Mr. Clark claims, "To enjoy personal freedom people have to be tollerant of other people's freedoms, including the freedom to smoke in enclosed public places."

The link to this is

Medline Plus take the view that smoking harms every organ in the body, is responsible for 87% of lung cancer cases and can be attributed to other cancer diseases. Medline claims that pregnant smokers have problems during pregnancy , and higher rates of sudden infant death syndrome.
Second hand smoking also causes the same diseases in non smokers, it is claimed by Medline Plus.
Their link is http;// html 69k

1 comment:

Lisa Bates said...

The guy who did this post put in some interesting statistics on why smoking can be being bad to yourself. His link is at