Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Ten Signs Of Infedelity

Anne Bercht from Beyond Affairs Network links ten signs to a partners' infidelity.

These are:

1. Partner's emotional distance.

2. Cheater becomes critical of their partner, is cruel, angry, finds reasons for cheating.

3. Cheaters complain of current partners' control over them.

4. Cheating partners are missing over long periods.

5. Illness of spouse can cause infidelity.

6. The cheater pays more attention to personal appearance.

7. Cheater has more zeal and energy when in throes of affair.

8. Cheater becomes inappropriately defensive during questioning.

9. Is flurtatious with opposite sex.

10. Has need for privacy and does not always wear wedding ring.

Anne Berchts' link is http:// www.beyondaffairs.com/articles/signs_of_infidelity

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